Dr. G is the former Chief Medical officer at Salesforce. She’s a rheumatologist and nationally-recognized leader in health IT, bridging the divide between clinical medicine, business, and digital health.
As a Board Member of the American Telemedicine Association and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Alumni Association, she helps steer decision-making at some of the nation’s most influential medical organizations. Her work and expertise have earned her appearances on CNN, and PBS, and she is regularly featured on CNBC and Yahoo Finance.
She is the author of the book “Dead Wrong,” with a fall 2023 release date, which diagnoses medicine’s information illness through rich stories and insights derived from the boardroom. She makes the case that building trust and health literacy at scale requires healthcare leaders to take responsibility for the problems and the solutions.

Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer
mHealth: Global Opportunities and Challenges
Author, White Paper: Clinician Engagement
Book Chapter: Nayyar, G. and Katz JD
Book Chapter: Nayyar, G. and Katz JD
The Rheumatology Initiative Towards Skill Enhancement
Amyloidosis and Rheumatological Manifestations
Infection and Wound Healing
Hematological Adverse Reaction to Ivermectin
Dr. G is often asked to appear on programs as an expert commentator.